The Basic Knowledge of AMRVAC – 2. LASY

Actually, all the .t files in AMRVAC are wrote in Loop Annotation Syntax(LASY). then, when you do the “make” commend, .t files will converted to .f files, which are standard F90 files, through a tool in AMRVAC called then, the compiling are done with this .f files. So you AMRVAC is basically a Fortran code, you can write your own part, meaning mod_usr.t, in Fortran Syntax, that is no problem. But at least, I think you should know some basic idea of LASY, which would be much more convenient. 继续阅读“The Basic Knowledge of AMRVAC – 2. LASY”

The Basic Knowledge of AMRVAC – 1. Equation & Dimension

In this note, I will introduce basically what you should do to play with AMRVAC. As a highly modularized code, for most cases, users only need to write/modify two files according to their own questions, namely, the mod_usr.t and amrvac.par file. mod_usr.t is the user code for this problem (defining e.g. initial conditions) while amrvac.par is a text file saving all kinds parameters. 继续阅读“The Basic Knowledge of AMRVAC – 1. Equation & Dimension”

The Installation of AMRVAC

In this note, I will introduce how to install the code AMRVAC on your own PC or laptop. Actually you are suggested to have some basic knowledge of Unix-like operating system (OS). If you are quite familiar with Linux or macOS, you can go through this note quickly. If you haven’t too much experience, you can also simply follow me step by step. But there is a possibility that you might not be able to solve the problems that might happen during the installation. While for servers, the administrators or somebody like that should provide you the required environment, you can skip directly to the last part to install only AMRVAC.

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